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CVCe Final Silent 'e' BINGO Game


With bright, real life images, this fun CVCe Word BINGO game is an excellent way to learn to read and spell words with long vowel sounds (CVCe or final silent 'e' words).

Suitable for a whole class or small groups in literacy centers, this file includes 24 different BINGO playing mats.

Choose from 2 sets - one with images only or one with CVCe words only, then pair them with some calling cards. Again choose from 3 different sets of calling cards - one with text only, one with text only with the vowel sounds highlighted in red and another set with text and visuals with support for beginning readers - ideal for differentiating to meet students needs.

CVCe words included - bike, bite, bone, cage, cake, cape, case, code, cone, cube, dice, dime, dove, file, five, game, hose, June, kite, lice, lime, mane, mice, mime, nose, pine, pipe, rake, rice, robe, rope, rose, safe, tape, time, tube, vase, vine, vote, wave

Here's what's included -

  • 24 CVCe BINGO Cards with real life photos - 2 per A4 page
  • 24 CVCe BINGO Cards with printed word only - 2 per A4 page
  • 24 BINGO calling cards - photo + text - 6 per A4 page
  • 24 BINGO calling cards - text only - 6 per A4 page
  • 24 BINGO calling cards - text only (vowels in red) - 6 per A4 page

To use -

You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.


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CVCe Word Activity BUNDLE | you clever monkey

Please note - prices are in US dollars

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