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BOHO RAINBOW Editable Desk Plates


These easy to edit desk labels are made to match our BOHO RAINBOW Classroom Decor Range.

All include boho rainbow artwork along with a positive affirmation to build your student's growth mindset.

Choose from three different styles of desk plate - one with editable name + growth mindset message or another with editable name, growth mindset message + number line 0-20 and alphabet in upper+lower case - perfect visual support for Preschool and Kindergarten grades learning to read and write plus some simple desk plates in soft boho colours.

Just add your student's names and press print!

Use our font or CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT to create your own version ! Perfect for teachers needing to use Australian State fonts.

Here's what's included -

  • 36 different Desk Plate (6 different colored backgrounds) with modern rainbow art work, editable text box + growth mindset message - 3 to an A4 page (can be resized)
  • 36 different Desk Plate (6 different colored backgrounds) with modern rainbow art work, editable text box, number line 0-20, alphabet upper+lower case letters + growth mindset message - 2 to an A4 page (can be resized)
  • 9 simple desk plates in range of soft BOHO pastels - 3 to A4 page

To use -

You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to edit this resource. Decide on your label, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply type in your text then PRINT.




Please note - prices are in US dollars

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